Getting Started: I just want a map...

This page sets out the simple steps to viewing Geological Maps. The interface is designed to be simple to use but also allows you to get more detailed information about the rocks mapped out on the screen. More detailed instructions on how to use Geology Roam are also available.

1. Start Geology Roam

When you log in to Digimap you will be presented with the Digimap Home page. Choose Geology then Geology Roam from this page:

Digimap interface: Geology Roam

2. Zoom and Pan

There are 12 different views on the data ranging from 1:5,600,000 to 1:10,000 you can zoom between them using the scroll wheel on your mouse, the zoom bar at the top right of the map, by double clicking on the map or by using the zoom tool found in the tool bar above the right hand side of the map.

You can pan the map by using the pan arrows a the top right of the map or by clicking and dragging the map.

For more information on the mapping products available through Geology Digimap, see the Data Products section of the help pages.

3. Select features to be displayed

The Map Content Control tab on the left of the map can be used to turn the different layers of the map on and off. You may want to make a map showing only the bedrock, removing the superficial deposits layer. Simply uncheck the boxes next to any unwanted layers, you may find it helpful to click on the minus signs of layers removed to hide their entries from the legend.

You can also use the slider above the map to make the geological information on the map stronger or weaker in relation to the background maps.



4. Identify 'rocks

Due to the nature of the maps and colour schemes used it is possible that there several rock types on the map represented by the same or similar colours. By selecting the Rock Information tool you can click on any polygon on the screen and the details of that particular rock will be displayed in a pop up 'box.

5. Save your map

Use the Save... --> My Maps on the top menu bar to save the map you are currently viewing.  You will be asked to give the map a name and other details about the map such as the view and the date it was created will be saved.

6. Print your map

The button on the top menu bar takes you to a print window where you can create A4 to A0 files to print. As well as page size there are a number of options allowing you to set the title, print scale, print format, page layout, as well as include additions of national grid lines, annotations, hill shading, map labels and legend. The tab shows a small area of map content, the tab shows the extents of the area that your map will cover. The map can be dragged in either preview tab to change the extents covered. Once you have created the perfect map simply open the map in your PDF reader software and click print.

7. More information

More detailed information on how to use Geology Roam is also available in Geology Digimap's help pages. Further information on Geology Digimap's facilities, and on using the maps and data available is available from the menu to the left of this page.