Logging In

IMPORTANT: Access to Digimap is controlled by your institution. You should use the same username and password as other electronic resources to which your institution provides access to. If you have forgotten your password or have difficulties accessing services please contact the support staff at your institution.

1. The Login Popup

When you first arrive at the Digimap Home page a popup will appear over the homepage prompting you to login.

Screenshot of the Digimap page showing the UK federation login dialogue

2. Click the Login button.

3. Selecting your home institution

After clicking the login button you should see a web page like this:

4. Login to your institution

You will then proceed to you local instituition's login page, enter your username and password as requested. This page belongs to your institution and will be part of their website.

NOTE: If you can't find your institution listed here, please talk to your local support team for help.

5. It worked...

If your password has been accepted, briefly you should see a message entitled "Shibboleth Authentication Request Processed". This may be displayed for a few seconds. Following this, you should see the Digimap Collections page. It looks like this:

6. It didn't work....

If this process did not work, please check the following list of troubleshooting notes. These may help you identify the problem and find the best person to help you: Troubleshooting Notes.