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July 2013
In this Newsletter:

Important Changes to Digimap
EDINA's new mobile app for field work

Important Changes to Digimap

All the Roams get a new look, print and overlay features.


Digimap Roam is being redeveloped to allow it to take on the functionality that was previously only available in Carto. We are also using this opportunity to refresh all the Roam interfaces, giving them a clearer layout, additional print functionality and the ability to add in overlays such as hill shading postcodes and contours.

You will start to see these changes in July and we hope to have all the new features added to the interfaces by September.


EDINA's new mobile app for field work

Introducing Fieldtrip GB


EDINA have developed a new mobile mapping and data collection app called Fieldtrip GB. Designed to support teaching, learning and research, users can view maps and capture data in the field. It's currently free to download and use on iPhone and Android devices.

The key benefits:

  1. High quality maps in both urban and rural areas
  2. Save maps to phone to view them offline
  3. Create custom data forms to collect your data
  4. Export your data for use in GIS or Google Earth


Geoforum 2013

This year's Geoforum was a great success; you can read the live blog to find out what happened on the day or look at the review which provides a brief synopsis and links to all the presentations:

Geoforum 2013 Live Blog
Geoforum 2013 Review

Farewell Carto

After 13 years service Digimap Carto is to be withdrawn on the 31st July 2013. All the extra functionality it has provided over the more basic map interfaces will now be available in Digimap Roam.

Read more about Roam's upgrade

ShareGeo Spotlight

In every newsletter we highlight a dataset available from ShareGeo.

Today's dataset is:

The UK Fire Service Areas

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0131 650 3302

EDINA, 160 Causewayside,
Edinburgh, EH9 1PR

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Scotland, with registration number SC005336.