Access to Digimap for Institutions

Subscribing - Information for Institutions

Institutions have to subscribe to each collection separately through a separate licence agreement. All Digimap subscriptions are managed by EDINA. Further information about subscription, pricing and licensing for each Digimap Collection is available on the subscription page.

There is more information about the subscription process on the following page:

Please contact us about FREE TRIAL ACCESS to any of the Digimap services.


What happens after an institution subscribes?

Once your institution has completed the subscription process , EDINA will be in contact with the relevant person(s) at your institution, about access to the Digimap Collection(s).


How do users access Digimap?

Staff and students have free at the point of use access to all the maps and data for each collection that their institution subscribes to.

Users of the Digimap Collections need to be individually registered with Digimap in order to gain access to the data. Access is by individual username and password allocated by the subscribing institution, not by EDINA.

Digimap Collections (not including Digimap for Colleges) are only accessible via the UK Federation. This means that all users must have a username and password which will operate with their local institutional systems. Each institution will operate a username and password system which will allow access to electronic resources using either their own UK federation Identity Provider (IdP), or with OpenAthens (outsourced IdP).

Access via institutional IP address is not available for most Digimap Collections, only for Digimap for Colleges.


Need help in securing a subscription?

EDINA has encountered many instances of small departments or research groups wanting a subscription to a Digimap Collection, but finding it difficult to finance without the assistance of other departments or centralised budgets. If you would like assistance in putting together a case for subscribing, get in touch with the EDINA helpdesk by email or phone 0131 650 3302


Supporting Digimap Collections

If you support users of Digimap the Site Representative Guidance page provides useful information about what sort of help and support users require and what support EDINA can offer.