Licence Agreements - overview

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Sub-Licence Agreements

What does the Sub-Licence cover?

How does the Ordnance Survey Collection differ?

Where can I see the licence agreements?

What can users do with the licensed map data from Digimap?

How can I find out more about copyright and terms of use?


Sub-Licence Agreements

When your institution subscribes to any of the Digimap Collections, a legal agreement called a Sub-Licence Agreement comes into effect.
The Sub-Licence is between Jisc Collections and your institution.

What does the Sub-Licence cover?

As a site representative, you must familiarise yourself with the Licence Agreements for each Digimap Collection to which you subscribe.

Each Sub-Licence is different.

All Sub-Licences outline the following areas:

How does the Ordnance Survey Collection differ?

Only the Ordnance Survey Collection has a separate End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Every user agrees to the EULA whenever they access the Ordnance Survey Collection - see image below:

agree to EULA box


Where can I see the licence agreements?


word icon


What can users do with the licensed map data from Digimap?

Read Section 3 of the End user Licence Agreement for full details of the Permitted Use of the data.


Use of the licensed map data is permitted for:

  1. Educational use:
  1. Limited Administrative Use:



How can I find out more about copyright and terms of use?


  1. Look at the Licence Agreements and our FAQs:

  2. Attend a Digimap webinar on Copyright and Terms of Use - you can find our events schedule here:

  3. View previous webinars on Copyright:

  4. Do not hesitate to contact the EDINA Help Desk with any questions. Even if you think your proposed use of the licensed map data is not covered by the licence, please get in touch. EDINA can contact the data owners on your behalf and they may be able to suggest an alternative licence for you.