A study into the interactions between estuarine sediments and the dominant currents in the Fal Estuary, UK

Hayley Essex


Undergraduate research project


Sources: Digimap

Dates/Editions: All available.

Scales: All available.

Marine Studies; Geography


Publishing Institution

University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science

Summary and Results

The Fal estuary possesses a complex physical structure, with interactions between tidal and riverine flows, and the additional impact of sea waves. These are, for the most part the driving force of sediment distribution with the estuary, controlling the grain size, structures and content of the sediment. The main impact of the bathymetry upon the currents is that caused by human interference; the dredging of the main channel is the best example of this.

Further information

Ms Essex later completed an MSc in Oceanography (2008) at the University of Southampton and is the Palaeoecology Technician at the same institute. She is also pursuing a PhD in Petroleum Geoscience at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Her current research interests can be viewed by clicking here.