Zone-Based Concept for Managing the Data-Flow in Mobile Networking: Pedestrian Location-Based Services

Dr Suleiman Almasri



Science and Technology

Digimap datasets (all available)

Sources: Digimap

Dates/Editions: All available.

Scales: All available.

Mobile GIS; Location-Based Services

Sustainability; GIS

Publishing Institution

Engineering and the Built Environment, Anglia Ruskin University


Location Based Services (LBS) provide resources and information depending on the user’s location. In this project, three issues related to LBS establishment -as mobile information and pedestrian navigation system- will been addressed: the accuracy of positioning, the volume size of data, and data presentation. The proposed system allows the end users to access vital, accurate and updated information based on their location. Since this location is not fully accurate, particularly in the urban environments where users are most likely use this system, a new algorithm combines correction data available from SISNeT is utilized on the information received from Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to enhance the positioning accuracy. Moreover, to overcome the volume of data problem, a new mechanism is used to allow the users to load only the data of the town they are travelling to (Zone based), and not the entire Geographical Information System (GIS) database, depending on their user-profile as well (e.g. businessman, tourist, etc). Most of the LBS users are facing problems in dealing with maps; an alternative technique is proposed, which allows providing information in a form of photos, voice and short videos. The system is useful to help pedestrians to obtain information on the move anytime anywhere, and enhance their quality of life. Also it can be configured to provide information to help disabled people.


Almasri, S., Muhammad Alnabhan, Ziad Hunaiti, and Eliamani Sedoyeka. "Location-based services (LBS) in micro-scale navigation: shortcomings and recommendations." Developing Technologies in E-Services, Self-Services, and Mobile Communication: New Concepts (2011): 234.

Almasri, S. Zone-Based Concept for Managing the Data Flow in Mobile Networking: Pedestrian Location-Based Services. Diss. PhD thesis, School of Science and Technology, Anglia Ruskin University, 2009.

Almasri, S., and Ziad Hunaiti. "Data-Flow Management for Location-Based Service Applications Using the Zoning Concept." Location-Based Services Handbook: 261.