1:10,000 Scale Geology Data

The most detailed digital geological map data based on BGS's National Grid and County series 1:10 000 and 1:10 560 scale (six-inch to one-mile) paper maps with updated names and other attributes. National coverage is not yet available, about 28% of the UK has been made available with a further 17% in preparation.

The data is made up of four polygon features (or area) layers and one linear features layer. Each polygon is attributed with information based on the name of the unit and its composition. The polygons are arranged into bedrock geology ('solid'); superficial deposits ('drift' or Quaternary); mass movement (mostly landslide); and artificial (or man-made ground). The linear features layer includes thin beds (such as coal seams and fossil bands) faults, mineral veins and some landforms. Coverage of point data, e.g. dips and strikes, is not yet available.

More information:

Digital Geological Map of Great Britain, information notes, 2013 PDF