How to use Historic Download (previous version)


The Historic Download facility in Digimap allows you to quickly and easily define an area you want data for and then to select the particular historic map products you need. You can define an area on the map using a variety of tools, including: dragging a box, entering coordinates, specifying a tile name, or selecting the whole visible area. Once you have defined an area you can then select which product(s) you want for that area. You can add multiple products for different areas to download in the same order. The system uses the familiar shopping basket analogy where you add products to your basket and then checkout to submit your order for data.

Note: although we use a shopping basket, all data is free, however there are Terms and Conditions that cover the use of the data.

You can get more help during the download process by clicking on the information Information button buttons.


Find Historic Download

When you log in to Digimap you will be presented with the Digimap Home page.

Choose Historic then the previous version of Historic Download:


How do I search for and define the area I want data for?


You can search for your area of interest either by panning and zooming around the main map interface or you can use the Search interface to enter a place name, postcode or OS Grid Reference.

Select area

You can define the area you want to get data for by selecting one of the options in Step 1 in the panel on the left of the screen. You can draw a rectangle to specify the area, or you can simply select the currently visible area. You can also select an area by specifying the coordinates or the tile name.

The Clear selection button can be used to clear the selected area and start again.

What data products can I get?

Available products

All historic data available through Digimap are provided by the Historic Download facility. The products available are grouped into a number of themes, which can be expanded by clicking on the small plus symbol.

To find out more information about each product you can select the Info link. The Product Information pop-up contains details about the scale, formats, allowance, grid size, licence and uses. You can click on a link to the licence agreement for the product you are interested in. The products available through Historic Download have the Historic Digimap Licence.

The Show Availability button on the Product Information popup allows you to see the outlines of the available map tiles. This is useful when selecting data as most of the products available through Historic Download do not have national coverage.

Historic availability grid

The availability grids can also be turned on/off through the Show Availability Grid panel on the right side of the map window. This panel also allows you to display standard Ordnance Survey reference grids and Postcode Area boundaries. Help is provided by clicking on the button.

Beside each product there will be an indication of the Allowance. This is the number of tiles or area that you are currently allowed to download in one go together with the number of tiles you have currently selected (given your defined area of interest). The number specifying the area you have selected is shown in red if it exceeds the allowance.

We have set these limits so that our system can cope with the vast majority of users' requests in a timely manner and so that users do not inadvertently take more data than they are able to deal with.

County Series: 1:2 500 (1853-1951) and 1:10 560 (1846-1969)

County Series

The County Series datasets cover nearly the whole country at the 1:10 560 scale; the 1:2500 scale covers everywhere except the more remote moorland areas. The maps were surveyed by county so there are overlapping sheets at the boundaries. The nature of the overlap can vary, some counties were mapped to the boundary only, and the rest of the sheet was left blank, this means you may get blank National Grid tiles. Other maps used the data form other counties' surveys to fill in the blank area so you may get duplicate data from overlapping tiles. Sometimes the area of a neighbouring county was re-surveyed to fill in the map sheet so you may get different data in overlapping areas. There are some regions where up to four counties have overlapped, especially for the 1:10 560 data which has larger sheet sizes.

Note the different scales of County Series maps are completely different sets of maps with different coverages and publishing dates.

For more detailed information see the summary of maps, scales, dates and coverage and map series timeline.

National Grid: 1:1 250 (1943-1993), 1:2 500 (1943-1995), 1:10 000 (1958-1996) and 1:10 560 (1948-1982)

National Grid dataThe National Grid maps come from the beginning of the Post War era of modern mapping of Britain. The maps were produced on the National Grid and so have no overlaps. The coverage is good for most of Britain but poor in the upland areas. The 1:1250 are found only in urban areas and the Latest Edition of the 1:10 000 data has national coverage of the whole of Britain excepting one or two lost map sheets. This last edition is a compound product that includes a map for every location possible at 1:10 000 or 1:10 560, some of the maps in this edition are actually County Series maps as they were the only time the areas were mapped at this scale. Maps can be found that date right up to the conversion of the Ordnance Survey to Digital mapping around 1996.

Note the different scales of National Grid maps are completely different sets of maps with different coverages and publishing dates.

For more detailed information see the summary of maps, scales, dates and coverage and map series timeline.

Town Plans: 1:500 (1856-1911), 1:528 (1851-1895) and 1:1056 (1848-1939)

The Town Plans datasets cover the major urban centres from around the last half of the 1800s, with revisions continuing till 1939. The town plans were made at three scales; 1:1056, 1:528 and 1:500. There is not much overlap in the area covered between these scales except in some of the major cities. Map sheets and tiles for all the scales are combined into one dataset though you can remove any scales you are not interested in at a later stage in the download process. As the plans only exist for the centres of the towns that were most important when they were being surveyed, we have produced a list of the towns covered by the product. Have a look to see if there is coverage for the town you are interested in, if not then try the 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale County Series Maps

There are four editions of the Town Plans, each covers a smaller number of towns and cities with the 3rd and 4th editions covering only a very small number of cities with most data in the London area.

Note the different scales of Town Plan maps are completely different sets of maps with different coverages and publishing dates.

For more detailed information see the summary of maps, scales, dates and coverage and map series timeline.


How do I add data to my basket?

You add products to your basket by clicking on the "Add to Basket" icon, which turns green when a product has been selected.

Please note that although the term "Basket" is used, all data is free to download.

Add to basket

This will open the Basket interface:

Changing the Theme

The Theme can be changed by clicking on the name or the arrow () next to them.

The Theme selection in Historic Download is used to specify whether you wish to receive Original Sheets or National Grid tiles of the area selected:

Note that not all products have all the options available to change, for example the National Grid datasets are only available as National Grid tiles as the original sheets were captured using the national grid. If there are no options then there will be no change link in the basket.

Adding More Data

If you wish to select more data to download you can click on the Add more data button.  You can then either add more products or the same area or make a new area selection and add products for it. If you want to start again click on the Clear Basket button.

Previewing your Data Selections

You can select the Preview button button for information about the product and to see the area for which it was selected.

Once you are happy with your selection click "Request Download".

How do I get my data?

To order your products you need to give the order a name and then select "Request Download".

Request download

You will then receive two emails at the email address indicated.

Download ready

Click on the "Download" button to start the download.

What can I do with the data?

There are separate pages that give you information about how to use the data in various GIS software packages.