How to use Historic Download: My Account

Please note: this help page refers to the previous version of Historic Download which is due to be withdrawn in December 2015, all functionality is now available in the new Historic Download application.

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The "My Account" page allows you to view the details of the orders you have made, Resend download emails and Reorder expired or collected orders.

Historic Download My Account page

Order Status

Orders that are not ready to collect yet will have the status Queued, those that can be collected will have the status Ready and those that Have been ready for longer than 3 days will have the status Expired. If you have already downloaded your order then the status will be Collected. To download orders that are Ready you will need to follow the link sent to you in an email as outlined on the previous page: Downloading Tiles

Viewing Order Details

You can view all the tiles that make up an order, along with all the details about them such as the county, revision and publication date, by clicking on it in the left hand table. This will automatically fill the table on the right with a list of all the tiles in that order with their details.

Account page order details

You can change the order of the tiles in the table by clicking on the column headings.

Resend a Download Email

If you have accidentally deleted or lost a download email sent to you after ordering your data from the Download page you can use the My Account page to resend it. You can only do this on orders where the Status is Ready, for orders that have expired or that have been collected follow the instructions on reordering data below.

To resend a download email simply click on the order in the table on the left, its details will now appear in the table on the right. Click on the blue Resend Email button below the table to get a new copy of the original sent to you when you placed the order.


Orders that have Expired or have been Collected can be reordered. Click on the order you want in the table on the left, its details will now appear in the table on the right. Click on the blue Reorder button below the table on the right. The order will be recreated and you will be taken to the Download page where you will be able to make any amendments to it if needed. Simply proceed from here as if it was an entirely new order.

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