Formats available


Data can be downloaded from Digimap in a number of different formats. The table below shows different formats available for each product. Further information on data types is available.

Formats Available

Town Plans 1848-1939


Original sheets


National Grid tiles


County Series 1846-1969


Original sheets


National Grid tiles


National Grid 1943-1996


National Grid tiles



When you download historic map data, you will get the following types of data:

TIFF files

The TIFF map images available for download from the Download map data tab are as provided by the Landmark Information Group. All map images were supplied as CCITT Group 4 TIFF format. However, there are two varieties of Group 4 TIFF:

Note that the post 1945 National Grid map images and the Pre 1945 County Series map images cookie cut to the match the National Grid can be viewed in all of the above applications. All TIFF images, regardless of whether they are Banded or Tiled format can be read and displayed in MapInfo GIS or ESRI ArcGIS.

TFW files

A TFW file is a TIFF World File which is used by ESRI GIS software (e.g. ArcGIS) to place the TIFF map image in the correction geographic location. The TFW file should always have the same file name suffix as the TIFF image it relates to (e.g. example1.tif and example1.tfw) and should always be stored in the same folder as the TIF image it relates to (otherwise, ArcGIS would not find the world file when you add the TIFF image, so will not know the geographic extent and position of the map image). The TFW file is a plain text file which can be opened in any text editor.

TAB files

A TAB file is a MapInfo GIS Table data file which contains coordinate information used to place the TIFF map image in the correction geographic location. The TAB file should always have the same file name suffix as the TIFF image it relates to (e.g. example2.tif and and should always be stored in the same folder as the TIFF image it relates to. It is essentially the MapInfo equivalent of the ESRI TFW World File.